Newfoundland Standard Time (NST) or UTC/GMT -3.30

Time Zones in Canada and in the USA.
Newfoundland Time Zone refers to a time zone where three and a half hours are subtracted from the Greenwich Mean Time, that is GMT -3:30. This is also called Newfoundland Standard Time. The clock time in this zone is based on the mean solar time of 52°30' west of the Greenwich Observatory.
Newfoundland Daylight Time is in use during the spring, summer and autumn months, when daylight saving time is observed. During this time period two and a half hours are subtracted from the Greenwich Mean Time, this is GMT -2:30.
Use of Newfoundland Time
Newfoundland Time is used only in Canada, and there only by the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Officially, the entire province is in the Newfoundland Time Zone by legislation. In practice, however, it is observed only on the island of Newfoundland, its offshore islands, and southeastern Labrador communities south of Black Tickle. The rest of Labrador, from Cartwright north and west, observes Atlantic Standard/Daylight Time. Southeastern Labrador prefers Newfoundland Time in part to synchronize with the schedule of radio broadcasts from Newfoundland.
This time zone exists because of the location of the island and the fact that it was a separate dominion when the time zones were established.
Daylight Saving Time Information
Beginning and end dates of the daylight saving time in the United States and in Canada.
Year | Begins | Ends |
2020 | ||
2021 | ||
2022 | ||
2023 | ||
2024 | ||
2025 | ||
2026 | ||
2027 | ||
2028 | ||
2029 |
Daylight saving time start and and dates in Canada and in the USA.
North American Time Zones
The time zones in North America, in the west from Hawaii and Alaska to the east cost of USA and Canada and all the way to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.
Hours from UTC/GMT | Standard Time | Daylight Saving Time |
-10 | Hawaii-Aleutian | |
-9 | Alaska | Hawaii-Aleutian |
-8 | Pacific | Alaska |
-7 | Mountain | Pacific |
-6 | Central | Mountain |
-5 | Eastern | Central |
-4 | Atlantic | Eastern |
-3:30 | Newfoundland | |
-3 | Atlantic | |
-2:30 | Newfoundland |
Time zones in North America.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is originally referring to mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. GMT and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) can be seen equivalent when fractions of a second are not important.